Monday, September 7, 2009

Letter from Lawrence Cawthon to Mary Edna Cawthon McBride on death of mother

Picture of Elizabeth Shryer Cawthon 18 Feb 1850-19 Dec 1938

My maternal grandmother was Mary Edna Cawthon McBride, 8 Sep 1890 - 24 Jun 1980. She was the daughter of Samuel Horn Cawthon and Elizabeth Shryer Cawthon. This is a letter received by Mary Edna from her brother Lawrence Marcus Cawthon, 14 Apr 1886 - 18 Aug 1952 after the death of their mother, Elizabeth Shryer Cawthon.

Stockton Jan 1st 1939

Dear Edna & family
I guess you have received the news about mother. It came right in the Christmas rush and I could not even go to the funeral and you will never know how it hurt me. I had a letter from Robert, he said they put her away awfully nice and that she looked awfuly sweet. Bless her heart she is at rest, even though it is hard to give her up, she had a long hard fight of it. I have been intending to write and almost insist on you coming to see her one more time. I am completely worked down and almost sick from the holiday rush of mail, I am having two days rest this Sunday & Monday. Robert and I have had a long time almost 10 years of wearry and expence and spent around a thousand dollars towards mother's care and went through a lot. We never felt it any thing but our duty and never hesitated at any thing we thought would make her happy or help her in any way. We never did call on you for we didn't know your financial conditions even (if) we had to barrow at times to make our way by. But I feel now since Robert is only getting 80 dollars and he is in pretty bad health & Carra sick and I am way behind on bills accumulated while I was sick so long. We feel now that you should chip in with us and pay one third of the funeral expense. Robert will send you in a few days a copy of the contract. He barrowed the down payment and it has to be paid back by Jan 23rd which is $31.76. After that the payments are only $8 per month for 18 months. So you see one third of the 8 dollars per month wont be so much for the three of us. What do you think about it Edna don't you think this is fair? I know I owe you a long letter, I haven't forgot it and just as soon as I get to feeling better I will sure come through with it. We still want to come to Okla in April but don't know if I will be able to make the trip. In the meantime will you please let me know if you can help us. We will appreciate it. We wish all of you a very happy and a prosperous New Year. Lots of love from your Brother, L.M. Cawthon 1641 S. Sutter St.

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